Capacity Engine
- Total Capacity: All available resources (CPU, memory, disk space, IOPS) in the environment.
- Usage: Resources presently utilized by VMs and system services.
- Demand: Resources needed by VMs; equals usage unless a resource is constrained.
- Usable Capacity: Total capacity minus a buffer set aside for workload spikes.
- Usable Capacity after HA and Buffer: Usable capacity less resources reserved for HA failover.
The capacity engine analyzes historical utilization and projects future workload using real-time predictive capacity analytics.
- Demand
- Usable Capacity metrics
- Time Remaining (estimated time before full utilization)
- Capacity Remaining (available capacity)
- Recommended Size (optimal resource configuration)
- Recommended Total Capacity (required future capacity)
Recommended size
Determined by projecting utilization for a specific period. The recommended size does not include HA settings. To maintain conservative recommendations, VMware Aria Operations imposes caps on the recommended size generated by the capacity engine.
*) Oversized: Aria Operations limits oversized recommendations to 50% of the current allocation. For instance, if a virtual machine with 8 vCPUs #historically only used up to 10% CPU, the recommendation is capped at reclaiming 4 vCPUs rather than 7.
*) Undersized: Aria Operations limits undersized recommendations to 100% of the current allocation. For example, if a virtual machine with 4 vCPUs consistently experiences high resource utilization, the recommendation is capped at adding 4 vCPUs instead of suggesting 8.
Capacity calculations for a Conservative Risk Level
Capacity calculations for a Aggressive Risk Level
- Aim to maximize resource utilization and minimize overhead.
- Assumes a higher tolerance for risk
- Allows for more aggressive allocation of resources.
- Result: Higher consolidation ratios + tighter resource utilization.
- Momentary Peaks: Short-lived peaks that are a one-time occurrence. Not significant enough to require additional capacity.
- Sustained Peaks: Last for a longer time and impact projections.
- Periodic Peaks: Cyclical patterns or waves. (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, last day of the month, etc)
What is Rightsizing? It should be pretty obvious?
- It’s a proactive practice, not a one-time work!
- Maximizes performance efficiency
- Reduces costs
- Ensures seamless alignment with requirements